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Aug 29, 2019

This week's episode of The Sports Entrepreneur features Casey discussing the benefits of personality tests, and in particular, the DISC personality test. Casey explains what the four letters mean and gives examples to get you thinking about your personality, and/or your coworkers, whether or not you go take the test at...

Aug 22, 2019

This week’s episode of The Sports Entrepreneur features Casey discussing the one thing employees really want. Casey will provide the COMMUNICATION to you as to what it is employees really want, and discuss how to get the best from your employees, whether they are part-time or full-time.


Aug 15, 2019

This week’s episode of The Sports Entrepreneur features Casey discussing the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, based on the research done by Carol Dweck and her colleagues over 30 years ago. Casey also gives you a little test to see if you have a fixed or a growth mindset. Let us know what you...

Aug 8, 2019

Tyler Allen is the Brand Ambassador and digital guru for NinjaZone and Casey’s 4 other gyms. He designs the websites and makes sure all the bells and whistles work. He works behind the scenes to make sure visitors to the websites have a pleasant experience and find what they are looking for. Today he and Casey will...

Aug 1, 2019

Danny Wohlschlaeger is the director of curriculum for NinjaZone and essentially coaches all the coaches. But that barely scratches the surface. He has grown up in the NinjaZone family and been there since it’s concept. And in the meantime, he has faced so many of the good and bad things that life can throw at you...